26 Feb 2012

bits and bobs....

ps.made by me with love x

random decaupage makings- lamp with lace, collage, quotes and pom poms.....

individual decorated coffee table, collage and varnished....

customised wooden striped chair with lace and pearls.....

there will be more up to date pictures of my bits and bobs by the end of the day so if u fancy a peek at my new makings check out my blog later today....xx

22 Feb 2012

haha just got sent this...
friends are like knickers. Some crawl up your arse....some snap under pressure....some don't have the strength to hold you up.....and some are just cheap and nasty....Then there are those that are favourites....those that you can rely on....those that make you feel good about yourself....those that give you support....and those that actually do cover your arse when you need them to....!
life is short. love truly, kiss slowly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile....
This site is to share photos of all my bits and bobs that i have created and made, thankyou izzy for setting it up for me and please leave comments everyone if u like the look of any of my makings especially if u wish to buy any or commission me to do something for you or someone else. they are all made with love. I will also use this blog to update what i am up to, aswell as simply writing or uploading some of my favourate things inlcuding quotes, pictures etc....