2 Feb 2014


hello all, hope 2014 is treating you well..would love you to track my makings and craft creations if u are interested, comment, browse and even buy anything that catches your eye on my blog (email amy_falcon@hotmail.co.uk). i have been a bit slack recently with updating but hoping to be more regular...starting now!
aswell as the crafty side of things, i plan to post what i am getting up to, things that inspire me day by day, make me smile when i see, and the daily adventures i go on in reality as well as in my mind! everything is handmade, at home, with love in it around it and hopefully you will share the love too.
have a lovely day :)..............xxxxxx

ps. commissions are welcome for specific things to be made, names/ designs/ colours etc for personal presents. bunting, bracelets, necklaces, earings, boxes, jewellery boxes, customosed furniture...you know the drill. xx

freshly made frames....

fresh fun and fabulous frames...:) take a peek....
if you like any or fancy buying any please send me an email on amy_falcon@hotmail.co.uk

(you can change the card/choose qoute/ photo inside)