16 Mar 2012

so so so...

spring is on its way, i am getting quite excited about this. yesturday chilled in to the garden with my two beautiful sisters on a beautiful day. i swear sunshine makes everyone happier! please be sunny all the time! sorry have been so useless with contact and updating this but i am going to try post regularly....so clocks go forward next weekend- not really syked about loosing an hour of sleep but hey ho....oo and britains got talent starts soon, still trying decide if i am goiong to get stuck in this year and dedicate my sunday nights to it. we'll see. looking forward to easter time and seeing all my buds back from uni- please let me no when u r all around as so want lots of much needed catch ups.....

life is groooving along, not much news. oo did anyone embrace the free drink at starbucks on the 14th where they've now stated to write your name on your cup! ha. anywho best be off but ill pop u a post soon...x

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